How to lose a laptop in office

Laptops are a great improvement to business productivity. You get to bring your workstation around for meeting and need not to worry you miss out emails and other matters. Laptops are generally lightweight and not as cumbersome as normal PC, it is very important to secure the devices with laptop locks.

But is locking the device with cable lock sufficient? With a combination only known to the user, it should be sufficiently safe to prevent loss of asset. 

Or so you think. 

From time to time, you will be taking your laptop with you away from your desk. You unlock the cable lock using your own combination, and then you leave your desk with your laptop. 

Did you miss doing something important? Yes. 

You did not neutralise the combination to your laptop lock. 

Fine if people in your office are trustworthy. But as a saying goes, you can only be betrayed by those you trust. 

Don't take chance. Neutralise your combination as soon as you unlock your device. Make it a habit. I'm still learning to too.

After all, you don't want to come back to office to see your office laptop gone.

Not applicable for laptops using key-type cable lock.

That's not the combination to my laptop lock. 
